Grow your own, grab some at your local Farmer’s Market, Local CSA Farm or even the Organic Produce section
As the farmer’s markets are getting into full swing and everyone gets their gardens planted, this is a great time to talk about adding more veggies into our diets. I know, sometimes you get sick of hearing ‘eat more vegetables’ but without them you’d end up sick and we definitely don’t want that. The reason it’s so often repeated is simple–they pack a nutritional punch. A variety of vegetables in your diet will ensure adequate fiber (while skipping the grains) which keeps you feeling full (and less prone to snack on the bad stuff.) And, of course you know about all the vitamins and minerals, but did you know there’s a whole bunch of veggies that give you protein too? Kale, for example.
But in case you need further motivation to ‘go green’ , cruciferous veggies like broccoli, kale, bok choy and cabbage also supply important nutrients the liver needs to help clean toxins out of the body. Garlic is also detoxifying to the liver and the kidneys, plus it’s great for heart and circulatory health.
When it comes your food – you are what you eat and quality does matter! Homegrown and local, farm grown is best. Even if your local farmer is not certified organic you can usually ask the farmer how it was grown and if he uses herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers. You’ll often find small, local farmers have higher quality and freshness standards than certified ‘organic’ produce at your grocery store but the USDA certification is just too costly for him (or her.) Get to know your farmer…and your food. Your health will thank you for it.
But, however you do it, getting more vegetables into your daily diet is essential to good health. Salads for lunch are a good start. But challenge yourself to find more ways to sneak them in. My favorite breakfast is eggs with sauteed spinach. In the summer, we put vegetables on the grill in a saute pan or skewer them as kabobs.The addition of more greens (and yellows, reds, oranges, even purples) into your diet will guarantee better results with your health improvement program, and you may be pleasantly surprised at how much you actually enjoy them!!
Here’s to Healthy Noshing this Summer…