Create a healthy home with air purifying plants!

The indoors can be a haven for all of us, but the real question is, are we genuinely secure from any health threats when we are inside?

Environmental hazards can be found inside our homes, and in fact, the indoor pollutant is placed among the top 5 health hazards. Many times all of our cleaning efforts is not enough to extinguish the threats, but there is some good news! NASA has found a way to purify the inside of our homes and that is through the help of indoor plants. Yes, the greens are back, and we are here to introduce to you the selected few of them that will help in clearing your home of indoor toxins.


If Daenerys has Dracarys, well Mother Nature has Dracaena! This house plant has a variety of 40 kinds, and the toxic substances it can annihilate include formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethylene, and benzene. It is also known for its long leaves which is lined with white, cream, or red but be cautious as this plant is a poison when ingested by dogs or cats. For pet lovers, you might want to skip this one.

Spider Plant

Still a neophyte in the world of gardening, this friendly spider (plant of course) is easy to grow, especially to those people who are not into high maintenance plants. It can spout flowers that will grow as a baby spider or spiderettes. The indoor pollutants that it can purify are xylene and formaldehyde.

Snake Plant

An ideal plant for places with a drier condition; it does not need to be watered often, and it is tough to kill. The snake plant is durable on all levels! The pollutants it can remove are xylene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, and benzene. This plant is one of my favs!

Aloe Vera

Suitable for the skin, hair, and now for your overall health! The clear flesh of Aloe Vera is rich in vitamins, amino acids, and other elements that have anti-inflammatory properties, and anti-bacterial effects. Display a pot of this miracle plant inside your home as it can disintegrate formaldehyde.  I use this plant a lot for any cuts, scraps and even razor burn!

Bamboo Palm

It can grow as tall as 12 feet and can filter a tremendous amount of air compared to the other plants, bamboo palm thrives on bright lights and it is safe for pets too! It can purify trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde.

Once you’ve chosen your plants the fun begins in choosing their homes (pots). This is a great way to add your decorative style and flair to your home.  Get creative – you can choose anything from traditional pots, to ones of whimsy and even hanging ones.  Lately my favorite have been those that can be hung on my wall!

As you can see there are a variety of plants that can help clean up your home and also bring some fun decorative ideas as well – so just pick one and get growing!

    2 replies to "Healthy Home – Healthy Life"

    • Cammie

      Great well written article. I have been using the Standard Process products for years and can tell you that Allerplex and Antronex are my savers during allergy season.

    • […] and pet dander.  House plants can assist with air filtration – here’s a link to an entire blog post I wrote dedicated to that […]

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