Hello lovelies!
I have some very exciting news that made me jump for joy when I heard it because I know this is a GAME CHANGER for many of you.
The current pandemic has brought lots of change – I’ve redesigned how I see patients by offering more virtual and zoom style appointments. We’ve been shipping out your protocols to you and offering curbside pick ups as well.
Last week I was invited by Standard Process to be one of their health care practitioners with a full integrated website!!!

I jumped with joy!!!
What this means for Lime and Lotus is that our office is now an approved and authorized distributor and seller of Standard Process and MediHerb products online!
What this means for you is that you can now order and buy Standard Process and MediHerb products online through this website. Products will be shipped from the company directly to you anywhere in the United States.
Online orders through the site over $150 also receive FREE SHIPPING!
I am happy and excited to be able to bring you this additional resource. We will still continue to offer curb side pick up and products from the office but this will be one more option to make your life easier!
Let us know if you have any questions.
Yours in Health and Wellness,

Dr. Stephanie Zgraggen, DC, MS, ACN, CNS, CCN
** Order your Standard Process and MediHerb Products Here **