I’m often asked by my patients for ways to help ward off the cold, flu (and now COVID) each year and I wanted to give you all the tools to start supporting that immune system now so that the likelihood of any winter illness is decreased. Let me start off by saying that the goal isn’t necessarily to never catch anything – as this is the body’s way to build up your immune system. Of course it would be great if we never got sick but if our systems are working correctly the idea is that when you do become ill the illness doesn’t last as long, or isn’t as severe. I’ve been using the recommendations and protocols that I will share with you today for over 20 years and year after year my patients (especially the teachers and nurses) come back in March and are always floored that they didn’t get sick for the first time in years.
So without further ado, let’s jump to my recommendations –
- Feed Your Body – what you eat definitely plays a role in how your immune system functions – the biggest culprits that will knock your immune system down the fastest are sugar, alcohol, and the chemicals in processed foods. Instead opt to eat more veggies, fruits high in Vitamin C, quality proteins and stay hydrated. I’ve also created an Immunity Support Recipe Pack, if you want to have nutrient dense recipes you can make for yourself and your family to help during those winter months. I created this informative pack to better educate you on your immune system. Feel empowered as you learn how to support your immune system and take the guesswork out of what to eat as you enjoy recipes that are specifically designed to support your immunity.
- Sweat it out – Exercise aids in the release of toxins, and is important in keeping the blood and lymphatic system flowing (which is an important part of your immunity!) Consistent exercise can help relieve stress and increase blood flow to the brain. It also releases hormones, stimulates the nervous system, and releases endorphins. Whatever exercise you like, go for it! Walking, running, rebounding, yoga, pilates, dancing, biking, cardio or sculpting workouts. Just 15 minutes a day is enough to help support your immunity.
- Count Sheep – The benefits of getting a good night’s sleep is especially vital for your body to rest, regenerate and maintain an efficient immune system. Manage your schedule and routine so that you can devote at least 8 hours each night to some shut eye. This may involve saying “no” to extra activities or waiting to binge watch Game of Thrones. Stop your screen time at least 2 hours before bed time, get into bed before your actual bedtime, make sure the room is completely darkened, and read a book or meditate to slow down that brain in preparation for dreamland! If you are struggling with your sleep, get a jump on it now and start a product like Sleep Ease to help support your body in both falling asleep and staying asleep.

- Hooray for Herbs – An Elderberry a day keeps the doctor away – Elderberry syrup or tonic is one of those time honored traditions that can help ward off colds and flu. If you purchase some ensure that the company is using quality ingredients and no fillers and preservatives (Hint: quality products should only have a 2-3 month shelf life). If you’re more of a DIY kind of person, earlier this year I created an Elderberry Syrup mini-course on how to make your own organic elderberry syrup and tincture at home. I have a nice 30 minute video, my personal recipes, and links to all of the supplies you’ll need to make this immune syrup at home.
Standard Prevention Daily Dosing:
- For Children 2-13 years old: 1 tsp per day
- For Adults: 1 Tbsp per day
- Supplement your System – There are a number of key nutrients needed to keep the immune system strong during winter. First there are prevention protocols – these are great when you are not currently ill but want to stay strong and symptom free all winter. I also have acute protocols – these are designed to be used when you are sick or starting to feel any signs that you might be coming down with something. You can click the link for each product to read more about the product and to place an online order on our authorized website.
*** NOTE: If you are wanting to add any immune protocols to your regimen, we are recommending to place your order as soon as you can and consider stocking up since Standard Process was completely sold out of all of their immune products for almost 3 months last year! ***
- Adult Prevention Immune Bundle – “I don’t want to get sick”
- Immuplex – 3 capsules per day
- Echinacea Premium – 2 tablets per day
- Adult Acute Immune Bundle – “I’m sick and need to get over this quick”
- Congaplex – 2 tablets up to 4 times per day
- Andrographis Complex – 2 tablets twice per day
- Children’s Acute Immune Bundle – “I’m sick and need to get over this quick”
- Chewable Congaplex – 2 tablets up to 4 times per day
- Chewable Catalyn – 3 tablets per day
- Sore Throat Immune Bundle
- Herbal Throat Spray – 4 sprays every 1-2 hours
- Thymex – 3 tablets twice a day
- Cataplex ACP – 3 tablets twice a day
- Adult Auto Immune Bundle – “I have autoimmune disease and want to keep my system strong”
- Echinacea Premium – 2 tablets per day
- Thymex – 3 tablets a day
- Rehmannia Complex – 2 tablets a day
Easy Button Bundles
Standard Process has recently created immune system packets as well – you can take one packet a day for prevention or 3 packets per day for acute situations.
- Immune System Health Pack: one box has 30 packets and each packet includes –
- Immuplex (2 capsules)
- Cataplex F Tablets (2 tablets)
- Cataplex C (3 tablets)
- Calcium Lactate (2 tablets)
*Dose – Take one packet a day for prevention or 3 packets per day for acute situations.
- Immune System Health Vegetarian Pack: one box has 60 packets and each packet includes
- Epimune Complex (1 capsule)
- Cataplex D (1 tablet)
- Echinacea-C (1 tablet)
*Dose- Take one packet in the morning and one in the evening.
** If you have any questions or trouble with the ordering platform just reach out and my team will be happy to assist you! **
My goal is to empower you with the tools to help you and your family feel your best this winter season. Please reach out to me if you have any questions and here’s to your health this winter!