Adrenal Assessment


Work one on one with Dr. Z to functionally assess your adrenal glands and create a solid game plan for achieving your health goals!


Work one on one with Dr. Z to functionally assess your adrenals and create a solid game plan for achieving your health goals!

This package is the perfect starter package as it includes your initial lab tests and the session to review the results of that test and formulate a strategy to move forward to achieve your health goals.

Here’s what you can expect with this option:

  • Comprehensive Functional Adrenal Hormone Test
  • Intake Forms, Health History, Adrenal Questionnaire
  • 1 – 90 Minute Private Session via phone or Skype to review the test results
  • Personalized Handouts and Resources


Additional Details:

  • With this package, you will receive a test kit mailed directly to your home.
  • This test is done via your saliva – you will perform the saliva test in the comfort of your home and mail the test kit back in a prepaid box.
  • Results will be sent back to our office prior to your appointment.

Labs included in this panel are as follows:

  • Cortisol – 5 samples to determine daily rhythm and output
  • DHEA
  • Insulin
  • Progesterone
  • Immune system function – Total Salivary sIgA –
  • Gluten sensitivity

Not available for those in NY

After purchase, you will receive an email with instructions to set up your session.

** Session expires 6 months after date of purchase.


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