Hello Beautiful Soul...
Are You Finally Ready to Detox & Balance Your Body?
Featured In:
Isn't it Time You...
- Boost your energy without coffee (and without naps) - it is possible!
- Lose weight, especially around your midsection.
- Naturally balance your hormones for better mood, less PMS and clearer skin.
- Bring balance to your immune system to lessen your autoimmune symptoms.
- Rediscover your libido - yes, it's still there!
- Gut check - balance your gut for improved digestion and less discomfort.
- Learn to manage your stress, balance your mood and get your life back.
- Ditch your cravings for sugar, alcohol and caffeine.
- Difficulty getting or staying asleep
- Fatigue
- Sun-sensitivity
- Acne - face, chest, or upper back
- Mood swings
- Butterfly-shaped rash across your nose and cheeks
- Excessive hair on the face, chin, or other parts of the body
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Gallbladder disease or removal
- Thinning of hair on head
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Recurrent rashes or hives
- Dry eyes, mouth or skin
- Darkening of skin, especially along neck creases, in the groin, and underneath breasts
- Heavy, painful periods
- Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
- Recurring fever
- Swollen glands
- Increased irritability
- Hot flashes or night sweats
- White patches on your skin or inside your mouth
Introducing the 28 Day Autoimmune Reset Detox Program, a gentle, guided program designed to support your body’s natural ability to balance your digestive and immune systems so you can look and feel incredible!

Learning Modules
3 Hrs.
85 Pg
Detox E-Guide
6 Modules designed to lead you step by step through the Autoimmune Reset Detox Program

Module 1: Introduction and Prep
Your introduction to the 28 Day Autoimmune Reset Detox Program and everything you need to prepare to be successful with this program.

Module 2: Week 1 - Days 1-7
Welcome to Week 1 - It's time to get started on this amazing journey!

Module 3: Week 2 - Days 8-14
Welcome to Week 2 - Now let's settle into the beauty of this program!

Module 4: Week 3 - Days 15-21
Welcome to Week 3 - You're halfway through - keep going!

Module 5: Week 4 - Days 21-28
Welcome to Week 4 - Final week - You've made it to the home stretch!

Module 6: Post Program and Goal Setting
CONGRATULATIONS! You've finished the 28 Day Autoimmune Reset Detox and now it's time to celebrate the decide what is the next step on your health journey!
This Program is Right for You If...
- You want to get healthier. Period.
- You've heard of (or thought about) detoxing but don’t know where to start.
- You want something easy-to-follow AND a plan that works by eating REAL great tasting food.
- You’re tired of needing that extra coffee just to get through the day.
- You're ready to balance your immune system to kick those autoimmune symptoms to the curb.
- You want to have more energy to enjoy each day!
- You want to say goodbye to sugar cravings and balance your metabolism.
- You want to lose the stubborn weight around your waist just won’t budge even with exercise.
- You want to sleep better and improve your mood.
- You want to get glowing skin, shiny hair and strong nails without spending hundreds at the spa.
- You want the leadership of a caring and experienced women’s health expert and doctor.
- You like the convenience of making these changes from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace without the need to travel to appointments.
This Program is Not Right for You If...
- You want to figure out how to get healthy completely on your own.
- You already know exactly which foods to eliminate on a detox (some might surprise you).
- You would prefer to see a functional medicine doctor in person (even if it costs a lot more- that's completely okay!)
- You’re not ready to take responsibility for your own health, and are still searching for that one magic pill that will fix everything.
- You do not want to make any dietary changes. Maybe the time is just not right and that’s ok. But if you really want to get a handle on your hormones and take back your life, you’re going to have to make some dietary changes.
- You are not willing to make changes to your environment. Some stuff might need to change and it is my responsibility to tell you what things need to go.
Love for Dr. Stephanie's DETOX Programs
New York, New York
I was so impressed with the amount of materials with the program and how easy it was to follow and how much better I feel afterwards.
Newport Beach, California
Three months ago I could hardly get out of bed and now I have loads of energy at the end of the day!
Atlanta, Georgia
Dr Z's toxicity quiz was the BIG eye-opener for me. At the end of the program my score was down over 50%!!!!!
Charleston, South Carolina
My doctors had no real answers for me; I am so grateful to have found Dr. Stephanie. Now I have no hot flashes and am sleeping again!
- Stabilize your blood sugar
- Balance immune system
- Lessen autoimmune symptoms
- Improve liver function
- Balance estrogen levels
- Balance progesterone levels
- Improve thyroid function
- Maximize metabolism
- Restore adrenal health
- Increase your energy
- Enhance your digestion
- Harmonize your hormone balance

Tools for Success
I know you’re busy.
I know you just want to feel better.
And I also know that the solution to your immune challenges, low energy, and gut issues is going to to require you to change some habits… which can be intimidating.
Which is why I’ve designed this program to be simple to implement while also achieving massive results.
**** This program is entirely virtual, so you can participate from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection.
To ensure your success, here’s what you receive with the 28 Day Autoimmune Reset Detox Program:
28 Day Detox E-Guide
80+ page e-guide of simple information on what exactly a detox is (and what it’s not) from a doctor’s perspective.
AI Detox Food Guide
Easy-to-follow food guide on what to eat and what to avoid on the detox when you have an autoimmune disease (and why!)
Meal Plans & Recipes
Make success easy by following my recipes that will save you time without compromising nutrition or taste!
Detox Shopping List
Print it out and take it to the store with you. You’ll know exactly what to get and save a whole lot of time doing it.
Toxicity Quiz
Take my quiz and find out how many symptoms you have from toxins in your body.
Detox Daily Journal
Record your experience and track how you are feeling every day along with your food and mood.
Detox Enhancers & Tips
Simple, and effective daily rituals to support your body’s natural detox systems.
Supplement Guide
Specific doctor-suggested nutritional supplements in order to boost your detox,
Step by Step Learning
6 Modules will walk you through the program step by step along with associated worksheets and handouts to keep you on track.
Video Tutorials
3+ hours of videos along with downloadable audio, transcripts and slide decks to make your life easier and to assist with your learning.
Post Program Guide
Post program evaluation includes measurements, questionnaires, food reintroduction and new goal setting for your health.
Food Reintroduction
This guide will help you understand and track which foods are causing you to feel run down, irritable, or unwell.
FAQs from my past patients so that you never feel stuck or unsure– I answer the questions you try to google answers for.
Detox Meditation
Join spiritual mentor, Jean Atman, as she guides you through a detox meditation developed specifically to help you with this program.
Expert Audio Interviews
I’ve included interviews with my favorite people in the holistic health community to assist you on your detox journey.
Private Facebook Group
Join our private Facebook group to connect with like-minded women for accountability and support.

I originally visited Dr Stephanie for chronic swelling in my legs and feet. This has been something I have been struggling with for a while and tried many cures with not much success. Stephanie spent time exploring the normal go-to’s as well as the less obvious supplements and crafted a perfect blend to best support my healing. My body now is much more balanced. It also feels like a tremendous bonus that my energy levels are more level and my sleep is more sound. I can’t recommend Dr. Stephanie enough for her attention to detail, her intuition, and great support she offers!
Jean Atman, International Life Coach - Energy Medicine Specialist
- Quick Start Video
- Bonus Expert Audio Interviews
- Access to Dr. Stephanie's Insiders Club Private Facebook Group
- Lifetime Access to the Program
Want to Enhance Your Detox?
My Paleo Detox + Antioxidant Support promotes your natural detoxification pathways, as well as supports cellular defense against oxidative damage and inflammation.
Each 28 day kit provides:
• 56 – single serving Paleo Detox functional food powder drink mix packets
• 56 – capsule packets containing:
• 3- Amino Detox capsules
• 1- Detox Complex capsule
** Click here for a full list of kit ingredients. **

Still Not Sure if this is Exactly What You Need?
Here's the truth:
My mission is to help as many women as I can get their health back, but not by spending months googling their problem & trying everything without success.
No need to make an appointment. No need to wait to get started.
You’ll get the chance to use the same plan I use with my patients and the one I’ve been using myself for over 14 years ...but without the costly price tag of in-person doctor's visits, although I still offer an option for more support if you feel like you need it.
My Guarantee to You

I am so confident in this program and with your success that I offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you fully and actively participate in the program, complete all of the assigned tasks and are not satisfied, you may request a full refund within 30 days from your date of purchase. Simply send us an email telling us you would like to end the program and we will refund your payment.
No more excuses, no more 'tomorrow' or 'next month'... you deserve to feel your best with a program that WORKS.
What are you waiting for?

- 6 Modules & Video Tutorials
- Detox E-Guide - 90+ pages
- Food Guide & Recipes
- Toxicity Quiz
- Detox Daily Journal - 45+ pages
- Detox Tips & Enhancers
- Supplement Guide
- Post Program Guide
- Private Facebook Group
Self Guided & Supplement Support
(A $100 Savings)

- 6 Modules & Video Tutorials
- Detox E-Guide - 90+ pages
- Food Guide & Recipes
- Toxicity Quiz
- Detox Daily Journal - 45+ pages
- Detox Tips & Enhancers
- Supplement Guide
- Post Program Guide
- Private Facebook Group
- Dr Stephanie's 28 Day Paleo Detox Supplement Kit
- Free Shipping for US residents
Package Value - $597
One on One Support with Dr. Zgraggen
(A $200 Savings)

- 6 Modules & Video Tutorials
- Detox E-Guide - 90+ pages
- Food Guide & Recipes
- Toxicity Quiz
- Detox Daily Journal - 45+ pages
- Detox Tips & Enhancers
- Supplement Guide
- Post Program Guide
- Private Facebook Group
- Dr Stephanie's 28 Day Paleo Detox Supplement Kit
- Free Shipping for US residents
- Pre and Post Detox Calls with Dr. Stephanie (30 mins each)
- Unlimited email support from Dr. Stephanie during program
Package Value - $797
- Yes, I understand I’m ordering the digital online version of The 28 Day Autoimmune Reset Detox Program.
- Yes, I understand that no physical product will be delivered to me, unless I ordered a supplement package, and opened supplements are not returnable or refundable.
- Yes, I understand that if I'm not completely satisfied I have 30 days to request a refund.
Program Frequently Asked Questions
Is the detox recommended for pregnant or lactating women?
No. Firstly, more calories are required during pregnancy and lactation than are needed during detox and for everyday weight management. Also, if you are pregnant or lactating, you would not want to be increasing your detoxification output and then passing those toxins on to your unborn child or to your baby through your breast milk. For these women, eat clean, and let’s do this when you’re finished breast feeding.
Will I lose weight?
This detox program is not designed to be a weight loss program; however, many people lose weight during the course of their detox program. Some of the reasons for this weight loss include: lower than usual caloric intake due removing grains and processed foods from the diet, taking sugar out of the diet, decreased consumption of allergenic foods such as wheat and release of toxins from fat stores.
Will I be in the bathroom all day?
It is very important to consume extra water while detoxifying to help flush out toxins. Therefore, most people urinate more often than usual on this program. With any detox, you may experience increased bowel movements, but it should not involve urgency or limit your daily activities.
Will I get a headache?
Some people experience headaches during the first few days of their detox due to withdrawal from sugar, caffeine, and/or alcohol. The week prior to starting your detox you can begin decreasing intake of these substances to minimize discomfort.
Can I take my prescribed medications during the detox?
For many there are no issues with doing a detox program while on prescribed medications. However, if you are on prescribed medications, please speak to your prescribing physician to determine if this program would be appropriate for your particular case
Can I take my regular supplements during the program?
For many there are no issues with doing a detox program while on a regular supplement regimen. In the program, Dr Stephanie will also provide supplement recommendations to enhance the detox process.
Are supplements required?
Supplements are recommended, but are NOT required during the program. Supplements are intended to support a healthy diet and lifestyle to maximize detoxification outcomes.
Can I take other supplements?
Yes, the specific ingredients for recommended supplements will be listed for you. You will also be provided information on what to avoid when choosing supplements so you can make the best choice for your specific needs
Can I still eat food on the program?
Yes, this program is not a fast but instead a nutrient dense plan. You will be allowed to eat clean pastured meats, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats during your detox program.
Can I substitute non-approved foods during the detox?
The fruits and vegetables listed in the guide are recommended because of their high nutritive value, low glycemic (sugar) value, and their capacity to support detoxification and hormone balance so it is best to stick with those that are listed for the most benefits.
Do the recipes contain gluten?
No. You will not find any gluten or dairy in the meals plans or recipes. Both of these
foods are known to cause inflammation, which leads to a disruption in your hormones and immune system along with increased pain and much more.
What if I am vegetarian or vegan?
You can most definitely participate in the program. Although you will not be required to eat meat as part of this program, the importance of protein intake will be discussed and the meal plans will include meat based recipes, along with vegetarian options
What if I am allergic to one of the foods on the approved list?
If you suspect you are having a reaction to a specific food, refrain from eating it and consult your health care professional about how to incorporate alternative food sources
Can I exercise on the program?
Exercise facilitates the removal of toxins and it helps you manage a healthy weight. If you are able, it is recommended that you walk at least 30-45 minutes at least four days per week. You could also choose other activities like yoga, pilates, swimming, or rebounding. Strenuous exercise should be put on hold during the program.
Technical Frequently Asked Questions
I bought the program but cannot find my login information.
Please email [email protected] and we’ll get you the information you need!
How long will I have access to the program?
The program material is yours to keep for LIFE! We’ll keep it available on our website for at least one year from your date of purchase and you’ll be able to download a copy of everything to your computer.
Do you offer a money back guarantee?
Yes, we have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on all of our programs as long as you actively participated in the program. You may request a refund up to 30 days from the time of your purchase.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us at [email protected] to request your refund. Our team will ask that you submit your documentation to support your active participation. Once that is received we will glady issue the refund.
Please allow up to 30 days to receive a credit. You can keep any bonuses that you may have received at no cost.